Pavlyuk Myroslav

An associate professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics
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He was born on March 16, 1954 in the village of Starunya, Bohorodchany district, Ivano-Frankivsk region (Ukraine). Father, Pavlyuk Fedir Mikhailovich (1906-1972), and mother Pavlyuk Justin (1922-2003) – peasants.

He received his high school education (1961-1971) at the Staryun secondary school. From 1973 to 1975 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. In 1976-1981 he studied at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute named after Vasily Stefanyk, majoring in physics and mathematics. In 1994 he defended his PhD thesis on the structure and electrical properties of thin films of lead telluride-tin selenide.

After graduation he worked as a Senior Researcher in the Research Sector of the Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute named after Vasyl Stefanyk, and since 1988 he was transferred to the Department of Physics and TKN. Since 1994 he was transferred to the position of Associate Professor of the Department of Solid State Physics of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University. He is currently an associate professor of radiophysics and electronics at the same university.

Pavliuk Miroslav Fedorovich has prepared 10 textbooks that are widely used in reading special courses in the basics of electrical engineering and microelectronics. He also developed a number of laboratory works and methodological recommendations for them in information technology.

Scientific activities are related to the physics and technology of AIVBVI thin films and solid solutions based on them. Mykola Pavlyuk is a co-author of more than 56 scientific papers, author’s certificates for inventions and abstracts of International conferences. He is actively involved in the implementation of scientific projects.

Тел: (0342) 59-60-07
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University