1. Tatarchuk, M. Myslin, I. Lapchuk, O. Olkhovyy, N. Danyliuk, V. Mandzyuk. Synthesis, structure and morphology of magnesium ferrite nanoparticles, synthesized via “green” method // Physics and Chemistry of Solid State. – 2021. – V. 22, N. 2. – P. 195-203.
  2. T. Tatarchuk, N. Danyliuk, A. Shyichuk,·V. Kotsyubynsky, I. Lapchuk,·V. Mandzyuk. Green synthesis of cobalt ferrite using grape extract: the impact of cation distribution and inversion degree on the catalytic activity in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide // Emergent Materials. – 2021 (in press).
  3. V.I. Mandzyuk, I.F. Mironyuk, N.Ya. Ivanichok, B.I. Rachiy. Impedance spectroscopy of capacitor systems based on saccharide-derived porous carbon materials // Physics and Chemistry of Solid State. – 2021. – V. 22, N. 4. (in press).
  4. V.I. Mandzyuk, I.F. Mironyuk, Y.O. Kulyk, N.A. Bezruka. Structural-morphological and conductive properties of С-Al2O3 composite materials // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. – 2020. – 12, N. 1. – P. 01013-1-01013-6.
  5. Dunets, B. Dzundza, M. Deichakivskyi, V. Mandzyuk, A. Terletsky, O. Poplavskyi. Methods of computer tools development for measuring and analysis of electrical properties of semiconductor films // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2020. – V. 1, N. 9(103). –P. 32-38.
  6. I. Mandzyuk, I.F. Myronyuk, V.M. Sachko, I.M. Mykytyn. Template synthesis of mesoporous carbon materials for electrochemical capacitors // Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry. 2020. V.56, N. 1. P. 93-99.
  7. Novosiadlyi, V. Mandzyuk, V. Hryha, A. Terletsky, T. Benko, V. Lukovkin. Modified Pearson model for high-energy multi-charge implantation and impurity activation for sensor microsystems // Proceedings 2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), April 22-24, 2020 Kyiv, Ukraine. P. 315-318.
  8. I. Mandzyuk, I. F. Mironyuk, Yu. O. Kulyk. Structure-morphological and electroconductive properties of carbon materials based on saccharose and citric acid // Physics and Chemistry of Solid State. – 2020. – V. 21, N. 3. – P. 486-491.
  9. I.F. Mironyuk, T.R. Tatarchuk, V.O. Kotsyubynsky, V.I. Mandzyuk, Kh.O.Savka, I.M. Mykytyn. Structure, morphology and conductive properties of Sn-doped TiO2 // Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. – 2020. 12, N.6. P. 06024-1–06024-7.
  10. Novosiadlyi, V. Gryga, V. Lukovkin, V. Mandzyuk. Simulation of frequency properties of operational amplifiers in analog-digital signal processing devices // 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies, ACIT 2019 – Proceedings. – 5-7 June 2019. – P. 209-212.
  11. Novosiadlyi, V. Gryga, B. Dzundza, Sv. Novosiadlyi, V. Mandzyuk, H. Klym, O. Poplavskyi. Features of formation of microwave GaAs structures on homo and hetero-transitions for the submicron LSIC structures // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2019. – V. 1, N. 5(97). –P. 13-19.
  12. F. Mironyuk, V.M. Gun’ko, H.V. Vasylyeva, O.V. Goncharuk, T.R. Tatarchuk, V.I. Mandzyuk, N.A. Bezruka, T.V. Dmytrotsa. Effects of enhanced clusterization of water at a surface of partially silylated nanosilica on adsorption of cations and anions from aqueous media // Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. – 2019. – V. 277. – P. 95-104.
  13. В.И. Мандзюк, И.Ф. Mиронюк, В.М. Сачко, И.М Мыкытын. Темплатный синтез мезопористых углеродных материалов для электрохимических конденсаторов // Электронная обработка материалов. – 2018. – Т. 54, №4. – С. 52-58.
  14. В.І. Мандзюк, В.А. Поважний, Б.І. Рачій. Пористий вуглець на основі антрациту як електродний матеріал літієвих джерел струму // Журнал нано- та електронної фізики. – 2018. – Т. 10, №4. – C.04033-1-04033-5.
  15. С.П. Новосядлий, В.І. Мандзюк, Н.Т. Гуменюк, І.З. Гук. Особливості формування НВЧ арсенід-галієвих субмікронних структур великих інтегральних схем // Фізика і хімія твердого тіла. – – Т. 19, №2. –C.186-190.
  16. В.І.Мандзюк, І.Ф. Миронюк, В.М. Сачко, Б.І. Рачій, Ю.О. Кулик, І.М. Микитин. Структура та електрохімічні властивості пористих вуглецевих матеріалів, отриманих із сахаридів // Журнал нано-та електронної фізики. – 2018. – Т. 10, №2. – C. 02018-1 – 02018-7.
  17. Novosiadlyi, M. Kotyk, B. Dzundza, V. Gryga, S. Novosiadlyi, V. Mandzyuk. Development of technology of superconducting multilevel wiring in speed GaAs structures of LSI/VLSI // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2018. – V. 1, N. 5(91). –P. 53-62.
  18. Novosyadlyj, M. Kotyk, B. Dzundza, V. Gryga, S. Novosyadlyj, V. Mandzyuk. Formation of carbon films as the subgate dielectric of GaAs microcircuits on Si-substrates // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2017. – V. 5, N. 5(89). –P. 26-34.
  19. S. Novosyadlyj, B. Dzundza, V. Gryga, S. Novosyadlyj, M. Kotyk, V.Mandzyuk. Research into constructive and technological features of epitaxial gallium-arsenide structures formation on silicon substrates // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – – V. 3, N. 5(87). – P. 54-61.
  20. І.F. Myronyuk, V.I. Mandzyuk, V.M. Sachko, V.M. Gun’ko. Structural features of carbons produced using glucose, lactose, and saccharose // Nanoscale Research Letters. – 2016. – V.11 (508). – P. 1-9.
  21. I.F. Myronyuk, V.I. Mandzyuk, V.M. Sachko, V.M. Gun’ko. Structural and morphological features of disperse alumina synthesized using aluminum nitrate nonahydrate // Nanoscalle Research Letters. – 2016. – V.11 (153). – P. 1-8.