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Doctor Science Engineering, Professor, An associate professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics |
In 1990 he defended his dissertation on “Technology of new materials and methods of forming thin-film structures of active RC-filters” in specialties 05.27.01 – “Solid State Electronics” and 05.27.06 – “Technology, equipment and organization of electronic equipment.” In 1989, after the organization of a special design bureau “Orizon” was appointed its chief engineer. Under his leadership and with his participation, more than 120 research and development works were carried out, the results of which were implemented in serial production. In 1989, his active scientific work made it possible to bring the Rodon production association into the top five electronics companies in the former USSR. For highly professional work in 1988 Novosyadlom SP was awarded the title of “Honored Worker of the Electronic Industry of the USSR.” Based on the results of the candidate’s dissertation, more than 40 types of active RC-filters were developed. 298, 214 and their manufacturing technology. He prepared a doctoral dissertation on “Physical and technological aspects of submicron BIS technology”, which he defended in 2003. More than 180 works (monographs, articles, theses, patents, textbooks, manuals) have been published based on the materials of dissertations. According to the results of 2000-2006, Novosyadly SP was included in the list of the 100 best specialties in the world in the field of microelectronics and computer technology in 2007 and was awarded a silver medal and certificates of the Cambridge Research Center (England). Stepan Petrovich Novosyadly was born on January 1, 1943 in the village of Wolves of Peremyshlyany district of Lviv region. After graduating from Peremyshl Secondary School with a gold medal in 1959, he entered the Faculty of Physics of Ivan Franko State University of Lviv. From the fourth year of this faculty he was transferred according to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the former USSR to the fourth year of the Faculty of Automation and Semiconductor Electronics of Lviv Polytechnic Institute, after which in 1964 union “Crystal”). There he began his career as a technological engineer, design engineer, head of the bureau and from the position of deputy chief technologist of the Institute of Microdevices was transferred in 1972 as chief technologist at the plant “Positron” (Ivano-Frankivsk), which was part of research and production Crystal Association. His main scientific achievements at the Crystal NGO include: development of high-frequency planar germanium transistor 1T311, operational amplifier K140UD1, logic circuits series K172, K178, which showed his level as a highly qualified specialist in the field of electronic engineering. Working as a chief technologist at the Rodon concern in Ivano-Frankivsk, he completed postgraduate studies at the Lviv Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Theoretical Radio Engineering.
Novosiadlyi, M. Kotyk, B. Dzundza, V. Gryga, S. Novosiadlyi, V. Mandzyuk Formation of carbon films as the subgate dielectric of GaAs microcircuits on si-substrates // Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2017. –V 5, N 5 (89). – P. 26-34. [Scopus].
Novosyadlyj S., Dzundza B., Gryga V., Kotyk M., Mandzyuk V. Research Into Constructive And Technological Features Of Epitaxial Galliumarsenide Structures Formation On Silicon Substrates // Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2017. – V 3, N 5 (87). – P. 54-61. [Scopus].
Novosyadlyj S., Kotyk M., Dzundza B., Gryga V., Mandzyuk, V. Development of technology of superconducting multilevel wiring in speed gaas structures of LSI/VLSI // Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2018. – V 1, N 5 (91). – P. 53-62. [Scopus].
S.Novosiadlyi,V. Gryga, B. Dzundza, Sv. Novosiadlyi, V. Mandzyuk, H. Klym, O. Poplavskyi Features of formation of microwave GaAs structures on homo and hetero-transitions for the submicron LSIC structures // Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2019. – V 1, N 5 (91). – P. 53-62. [Scopus].
Research interests: microelectronics and nanoelectronics, computer circuitry and CAD, telecommunications. Main directions of scientific research: CAD of solid-state electronics, research of materials and processes of submicron BIS technology on silicon and gallium arsenide, programming of microcontrollers and microprocessors in the design of functionally finished products. After defending his doctoral dissertation, he was invited to become a professor at the Department of Radiophysics and Electronics, V. Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. From 2000 to 2012 he was the head of the Department of Radiophysics and Electronics. Under his leadership, accredited and licensed specialties “Radiophysics and Electronics” and “Computer Engineering”. Accordingly, a material base has been created, representing new modern laboratories, in which laboratory work is performed according to special training courses. Since September 2012, he has been a professor at the Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics. Member of the Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society. Close ties with the departments of Lviv Polytechnic University are maintained at the level of conferences, internships for teachers, participation in forums and the implementation of modern investment projects.
Тел: (0342) 59-60-07
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University